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January 8, 2024

Exploring the Nexus of Law and Morality

By M.A Student, Fr. Ambrose Ekeroku, OCD The 26th of October 2023 marked a day of profound intellectual engagement for the participants of the MA Human […]
October 23, 2023

Commemorating the Third Anniversary of the Geneva Consensus Declaration

By Megan Witt On 23 October 2023, The Institute for Women’s Health (IWH) and their President, Valerie Huber, invited ambassadors, members of parliament, Congressmen and women, […]
October 11, 2023

A Visit to the National Center on Sexual Exploitation

By M.A. Student, Sarah Thomas On October 11th, Catholic University’s M.A. in Human Rights cohort visited the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) in Washington, D.C. […]
October 5, 2023

Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights with the Charles Malik Institute

By M.A Student, Veronica Smaldone On the evening of Thursday, October 5, the MA in Human Rights cohort had the privilege of meeting with the leadership […]
October 4, 2023

Human Rights and the Legacy of Communism: A Visit to the Victims of Communism Museum

By M.A Student, Jair Peltier On a sunny day in late September, the MA in Human Rights cohort from the Catholic University of America visited the […]
September 27, 2023

Human Rights, Religion and Democracy: A visit to the Institute on Religion and Democracy

By M.A Student, Fr. Ambrose Ekeroku, OCD On Wednesday 27th September, 2023, the current Master of Arts (M.A.) in Human Rights students from the Catholic University […]
September 13, 2023

Religious Freedom Across the Globe

By M.A. Student Ihab Hassan On September 13, 2023, a group of Master of Human Rights students from the Catholic University of America had the privilege […]
September 12, 2023

A Vital Approach: Human Rights in the Catholic Tradition

By M.A. Student Harry Scherer Both new and returning students in the human rights program met on August 25 in the Columbus School of Law for […]
August 25, 2023

Human Rights at the UN with Professor Silecchia

By M.A. Student Harry Scherer Both new and returning students in the human rights program met on August 25 in the Columbus School of Law for […]
May 4, 2023

Yuri Mantilla on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

By M.A. Student Nicole Ibrahim On Wednesday, March 29th, Professor Yuri Mantilla spoke to the M.A. in Human Rights students about human rights on an international […]

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“This Institute, I think, is a very important expression of the renaissance that’s underway at Catholic University in these recent years, and I’m delighted to be part of that.”