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The England Pilgrimage 2024

Recusancy and Revival: The Persecution and Rebirth of Catholicism in Our Lady’s Dowry

12-22 August 2024 | Oxford & London, England

Experience the history of Catholicism in England and pray with the saints and martyrs. From Oxford to London and beyond, discover the beauty of Dos Mariae, the Dowry of Our Lady. 
Join the IHE and a cohort of fellow graduate students to dive into the glory of Catholic England, from its conversion to persecution to the present day. Drawing on the Catholic intellectual tradition, this program unites rigorous academic formation with profound spiritual experience.
The pilgrimage will begin in Oxford, where you will learn first-hand the rich history of the area, visiting churches, shrines, and other holy sites. Highlights include the church of Saint Mary the Virgin, the Oxford Oratory, Blackfriars, and a visit to Littlemore, where Saint John Henry Newman converted at the feet of Blessed Dominic Barberi. We will also take a day trip through the English countryside to Harvington Hall (a recusant house with nine secret hiding places built by Saint Nicholas Owen) and the Birmingham Oratory. 
From Oxford we will travel to London. We will visit the sites of historic persecutions (the Tower of London and Tyburn), as well as Westminster Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, and the Brompton Oratory. Additionally, we will journey to Canterbury, the place of Saint Thomas Becket’s martyrdom.
The pilgrimage will be supplemented by seminars that take an in-depth look at the many sites we visit and the key themes and figures in the history of English Catholicism.


 The program includes:
  • Daily Mass
  • Lectures by prominent international faculty
  • All lodging in Oxford and London
  • All tickets and tours included in the itinerary for the duration of the program
  • Most breakfasts and dinners, and one catered lunch
  • Ground transportation for the journey from Oxford to London, as well as day trips
In addition to the program fee, participants are responsible for:
• Transportation to and from England
• Most lunches, one breakfast, and one dinner
The total program fee is $1240. A non-refundable deposit of $395 is due upon acceptance and confirmation, 1 April 2024. The remaining balance of $995 is due 1 May 2024. 
$150 will be refunded to participants upon completion and submission of the post-program survey and testimonial.
A limited number of partial stipends are available for those in financial need.
The registration fee represents a small fraction of the total cost of the program, the majority of which is covered by the IHE through the generosity of our valued donors.
Graduate students of all levels and disciplines are encouraged to apply.

The application deadline for the 2024 Pilgrimage has passed.


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The England Pilgrimage 2024