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Msgr. Anthony R. Frontiero, S.T.D.

Vice Rector and Director of Human Formation, Mount St. Mary’s Seminary

Vice Rector and Director of Human Formation, Mount St. Mary’s Seminary

Expertise: Social Ethics, Moral Theology and Religion, Social Theory

Monsignor Frontiero, S.T.D., was born and raised in New Hampshire.  He was ordained to the priesthood in 1991 for the Diocese of Manchester (New Hampshire), and has served in various assignments throughout the last 26 years, including: Parochial Vicar of Saint Joseph Cathedral in Manchester (1991-1994); Diocesan Vocation Director and Diocesan Master of Ceremonies (1994-1997); Diplomatic Attaché to the Holy See Mission to the United Nations in New York (1999-2002); Pastor of Saint Pius X Church in Manchester (2002-2006); Official of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace at the Vatican (2006-2011); Pastor and Rector of Saint Joseph Cathedral in Manchester (2011-2016).  He currently serves as Vice Rector and Director of Human Formation at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland, where he also teaches social ethics.  Monsignor Frontiero holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Administration from the University of New Hampshire; a Master of Divinity Degree and a Master of Arts Degree in Moral Theology from Seton Hall University, New Jersey; a Licentiate in Moral Theology from Catholic University of America, Washington; and a Doctorate in Moral Theology from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas (the Angelicum), Rome.

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Msgr. Anthony R. Frontiero, S.T.D.