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“Fratelli Tutti”: Engaging Pope Francis’s New Encyclical on Social Friendship

27 October 2020
18:00:00 - 19:30:00

Who is my neighbor? Who is my brother and sister?

Drawing on central gospel themes found in the Good Samaritan narrative, Pope Francis applies them to the whole “human family,” proposing that the logic of social friendship and neighborly love move beyond the personal to touch on every major social sphere.

IHE Director Joseph Capizzi, IHE Fellow Jennifer Frey, and Lumen Christi Institute Senior Fellow Russell Hittinger discuss Pope Francis’s latest social encyclical, Fratelli Tutti.

Cosponsored by the Lumen Christi Institute and America Media.



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“Fratelli Tutti”: Engaging Pope Francis’s New Encyclical on Social Friendship