John McNerney, Ph.D.

Visiting Scholar, The Catholic University of America

Rev. John Mc Nerney was nominated the First Michael Novak Distinguished Scholar at The Catholic University of America, USA. He is a Fellow of the Institute for Human Ecology, Washington, DC. A published author, his books include Wealth of Persons: Economics with a Human Face (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books) which was nominated for the International Prize in Economy and Society Award; John Paul II: Poet and Philosopher (New York: Continuum Press) and more recently Myself as Another: A Journey to the Heart of Who We Are (Hyde Park, NY: New City Press). Crossing the Threshold: Philosophical-Esthetic Elucidations on the Human Person is forthcoming. He is a member of faculty at Theological College in The Catholic University of America.

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John McNerney, Ph.D.