Academia Tocqueville 2025

French Political Thought

29 June - 10 July 2025 | Paris, France

The IHE and Academia Tocqueville are pleased to announce the 2025 Academia Tocqueville seminar.

Academia Tocqueville provides an intensive introduction to French political thought, examining the response of historically Catholic France to political and social change, from the Revolution to the present. This intellectually and culturally rich program builds lasting bonds between young scholars on both sides of the Atlantic.

Through rigorous seminars and excursions to historical sites in Paris, participants will consider a long succession of French political thinkers, including Montesquieu, Tocqueville, Maistre, Maritain, de Gaulle, and Weil. Participants will also encounter the legacy of venerable Catholic saints and martyrs, such as the Holy Martyrs of September, the Martyrs of the Commune, Jacques Hamel and Arnaud Beltrame.

Reading formative works with expert faculty, Academia Tocqueville scholars will consider key questions of constitutional order and fundamental themes in Catholic Social Teaching.


Assistant Professor of Government at Hillsdale College in Washington, D.C.
Assistant Professor, Hamilton Center for Classical and Civic Education, University of Florida
Institut d’Etudes Catholiques de Paris, Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris
The registration fee is $800 for students or $1000 for young professionals. This fee represents a small fraction of the total cost of the program, the majority of which is covered through the generosity of valued donors. Some scholarships are available to assist students in financial need. 
Reading material will be made available free of charge to the accepted applicants a month before the seminar. 
Classes will take place in Saint-Germain-des-Prés (6e arrondissement) in a prestigious venue. Accommodations will be provided on site.
Meals will be provided throughout the seminar, though lunches and dinners will not be provided when participants are free to explore Paris on their own.
Participants are expected to arrange their own travel to Paris. Some scholarships are available to help students in financial need.
The seminar is open to advanced undergraduates, graduate students and young professionals who work in areas related to French political thought.
The program will be conducted in English. Knowledge of French is not expected.

Submit an application containing the following to

  • One-page statement of interest;
  • CV;
  • Names and contact of two references, and at least one letter of recommendation. Please arrange to have letters sent to before the deadline.

The application deadline for the seminar is 28 February, 2025. Applicants can expect to receive a decision by mid-March, 2025. Space is limited. Apply early.

For questions about the seminar, please email


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Academia Tocqueville 2025