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George Garvey, J.D.

Emeritus Ordinary Professor of Law, The Catholic University of America

Emeritus Ordinary Professor of Law, The Catholic University of America

Expertise: Economic Regulatory Law and Policy, History and Application of Catholic Social Doctrine, Catholic Education

George Garvey, J.D., is an Emeritus Ordinary Professor of Law at The Catholic University of America. His expertise includes economic and regulatory law and policy, the interdisciplinary study of Catholic Social Doctrine as it relates to socioeconomics, human development and culture, and the education of Catholics and others regarding the application of Catholic Social Teaching to issues of contemporary life. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice, a lay led Vatican foundation committed to the promotion of Catholic Social Doctrine, particularly to professional and business leaders. Garvey was primarily responsible for the creation of a CUA/CAPP certificate program offered yearly in Washington; and participated in the creation of an online course on Catholic Social Doctrines for Professionals.

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George Garvey, J.D.