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Frederic Sautet, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Political Economy and Entrepreneurship Theory, The Busch School of Business

Associate Professor of Political Economy and Entrepreneurship Theory, The Busch School of Business

Expertise: Political Economy, Entrepreneurship Theory

Frederic Sautet, Ph.D. in Economics, is an Associate Professor of Political Economy and Entrepreneurship Theory at the Busch School of Business. His primary areas of research and teaching include market process theory, Austrian economics, organization theory, 19th century Political Economy, and Catholic Social Thought. Dr. Sautet is the Director of the Röpke-Wojtyła Fellowship and a Co-Founder of the Ciocca Center for Principled Entrepreneurship. He is the Co-Editor of The Collected Works of Israel Kirzner published by Liberty Fund, and the author of An Entrepreneurial Theory of the Firm (Routledge, 2000).

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Frederic Sautet, Ph.D.