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Daniel Burns, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Politics, University of Dallas

Expertise: Political Philosophy, Foreign Policy

Daniel Burns is Associate Professor of Politics at the University of Dallas. He spent AY 2018-19 here as a Research Associate, writing a book on Joseph Ratzinger’s understanding of “healthy secularity.” His research in political philosophy is on the relation between religion and citizenship, focusing on the meaning and limits of religious freedom. He has written on Augustine, Al-Farabi, Thomas More, John Locke, Sayyid Qutb, the Strauss-Kojève debate, Ratzinger, Samuel Huntington, and contemporary American foreign policy. He is a member of the Neuer Schülerkreis Joseph Ratzinger/Benedikt XVI., a Germany-based group of scholars dedicated to advancing Ratzinger’s intellectual legacy.

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Daniel Burns, Ph.D.