By M.A. Student Nicole Stone      On Tuesday, November 3rd the Master’s in Human Rights students met with Jeanne Mancini, President of the March for Life Education and Defense Fund. Mancini took time to explain the history of the March for Life, to expand upon its mission, and to talk about the future of […]

By M.A. Student Megan Witt   On Wednesday, October 26, 2022 the MA in Human Rights students visited the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) at their office in Washington, DC. They were welcomed by Eileen Walsh, executive assistant, who gave them a tour of their beautiful office. The Vice President and Director of Development, Mark […]

By M.A. Student Vincent Schiffiano      This past week we met with Piero Tozzi and Mary Vigil from the office of Congressman Chris Smith. We did so on campus in the historic Curley Hall in the beautiful Vincent Walter room. The meeting was truly inspirational as those of us discerning God’s plan for our […]

100 million and 1.5 billion. These figures represent the number of people killed by Communism and those currently living under its oppression. Communism has and continues to be a profound threat to human rights around the world.   The most severe Communist oppression today is that imposed by the Chinese Communist Party. While visiting the […]

By Megan Witt, M.A. Student On Wednesday September 28th, the M.A. of Human Rights students met with Professor Robert Destro. In the meeting, Professor Destro discussed his journey through undergraduate work, law school, and his professional life. He gave his wisdom on how we could each make a difference in the fields we are passionate […]

By Vincent Schiffiano, M.A. Student Recently the M.A. in Human Rights student met with Dr. Kent Hill. Dr. Hill is an example of a man whose life will never run out of stories and is as varied as it is accomplished. Beginning his journey as a fallen-away Christian in college, he decided to pursue Russian […]

On September 7, students in the M.A. in Human Rights program meet with the Religious Freedom Institute’s president, Thomas Farr, to learn about the understanding and promotion of religious freedom as a human right. Dr. Farr shared his experience in transitioning from a career in the U.S. Army and at the State Department to his […]

by José Freire Nunes, M.A. Student The current MA in Human Rights class had the privilege of attending a remote presentation last Wednesday given by Anilda Rodrigues, program officer for the World Youth Alliance in the United States.   The World Youth Alliance (“WYA”) is a non-governmental organization started in 1999 by 21-year-old Anna Halpine […]

By Human Rights Graduate Student, Veronica Smaldone The newest cohort for the MA in Human Rights visited the Museum of the Bible as part of the program’s orientation held on Friday, August 26. After an introduction by Program Director William Saunders, the University’s Provost, Aaron Dominguez, Professors Bradley Lewis and David Walsh, and Chinese human […]

Students meet with Peter Pin and discuss his human rights work in West Papua.
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