IHE Scholar and Ordinary Professor, The Catholic University of America
Michael Pakaluk studied philosophy at Harvard College, the University of Edinburgh, and Harvard University for his doctoral degree. His mentors at Harvard included Hilary Putnam, Burton Dreben, W. V. Quine, and John Rawls, his dissertation supervisor. In Edinburgh on a Marshall Scholarship, he worked on Hume’s philosophy of religion and the Scottish Enlightenment. Widely published in many areas of philosophy, his work has focused on the philosophy of friendship, Aristotle’s ethics, professional ethics, and natural law. His books in philosophy include the Clarendon Aristotle volume on books VII and IX of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, and an acclaimed introduction to Aristotle’s ethics with Cambridge University Press. He is writing a series of books on the gospels: The Memoirs of St. Peter, Mary’s Voice in the Gospel according to St. John, and Be Good Bankers (forthcoming 2025). He was appointed a member of the Pontifical Academy of Saint Thomas Aquinas by Pope Benedict XVI.
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