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Annual Report


Message from the Executive Director

Shaping public discourse, generating scholarship, and forming the next generation

2022 was a pivotal year for the Institute for Human Ecology. Emerging strongly from the pandemic, we streamlined our activity around a core set of goals: shaping public discourse, generating scholarship, and forming the next generation. To advance the voice of authentic Catholic thinking in the public sphere, we launched our Program on Catholic Political Thought and IHE Voices, brought in a strategy consultant to form our scholars for media engagement, hosted important public conversations, and deepened our academic community here at Catholic University and beyond.

Our community — undergraduates, M.A. students, Ph.D. Scholars, Civitas Dei Fellows, Media Fellows, and Faculty Scholars — is flourishing. Our new Director of Student Programs worked with this community to fortify a strong network of mentorship between our students and faculty. The more our students engage in the academic work and civil discourse modeled by our Faculty and Media Fellows, the more I am convinced that The Catholic University of America is the seat of international renewal in thinking through and living out the fullness of the Catholic faith in today’s complex world.

We have great minds, seasoned academics, brilliant students, a faithful audience, and an effective team. We are fulfilling Pope Leo XIII’s charge to the University “to give to the Republic her best citizens.” We are committed to giving — through student formation, academic publication, media engagement, and public events — a healthy and clear vision of human flourishing, informed by Catholic Social Doctrine, to our world.

Thank you for your interest in the work of the Institute. I am humbled by the generous support that makes it possible and look forward to sharing our successes with you.

— Dr. Joseph E. Capizzi, Ph.D.

Executive Director of the Institute for Human Ecology
Professor of Moral Theology, The Catholic University of America


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Annual Report