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What Does a Truly Accessible Parish Look Like?

19 April 2022
19:30:00 - 20:45:00

When a person is asked if their parish is accessible, one often says ‘yes’ if an elevator or ramp is available. While these items are helpful, they might not help a person who experiences mental illness, sensory needs, or an intellectual disability. When one realizes how broad the category of disability is, parish accessibility can be overwhelming.

Join Michele Chronister, Meghan Concagh, and Kelly Mantoan as they discuss ways to make a parish is accessible to people of all abilities. They will explore how accessibility not only requires physical, liturgical, and catechetical adaptions, but also the conversion of every parishioner to see Christ in others – so that all members of the Body of Christ truly belong.

The IHE is proud to cosponsor this event with the National Catholic Partnership on Disability.

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What Does a Truly Accessible Parish Look Like?