The Inequality Gap: Asking the Right Questions

3 December 2020
20:00:00 - 21:00:00

Economic inequality is a major concern for political actors across the ideological spectrum, especially in light of the 2020 election. What are the causes of inequality, and what role might public policy play in alleviating it? Join us for an ideologically diverse panel to consider these issues.

The IHE is pleased to cosponsor this event with Baylor in Washington.




David Madland

David Madland is a senior fellow and the senior adviser to the American Worker Project at American Progress. He has written extensively about the economy and American politics on a range of topics, including the middle class, economic inequality, retirement policy, labor unions, and workplace standards such as the minimum wage. Madland is the author of Hollowed Out: Why the Economy Doesn’t Work without a Strong Middle Class, which was published by the University of California Press in 2015. He has appeared frequently on television shows, including “PBS NewsHour” and CNN’s “Crossfire”; has been cited in such publications as The New York TimesThe Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and The New Yorker. Madland has a doctorate in government from Georgetown University and received his bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Berkeley.

Ramesh Ponnuru

Ramesh Ponnuru is a visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, where he studies the future of conservatism with a particular focus on health care, economic policy, and constitutionalism. He is also a senior editor for National Review, where he has covered national politics and public policy for 20 years, a columnist for Bloomberg Opinion, and a contributor to CBS News. A frequent contributor to television and radio, Mr. Ponnuru has appeared on “Face the Nation,” CBS News; “Meet the Press Daily,” MSNBC; “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” ABC News; the “PBS NewsHour” and “All Things Considered,” National Public Radio. He holds an AB in history from Princeton University.

Moderated By:

David Corey

David Corey is a professor of Political Science focusing on political philosophy in the Honors Program at Baylor University. He is also an affiliated member of the departments of Philosophy and Political Science. He was an undergraduate at Oberlin, where he earned a BA in Classics from the College and a BMus in music from the Conservatory. He studied law and jurisprudence at Old College, Edinburgh before taking up graduate work in political philosophy at Louisiana State University. He is the author of two books, The Just War Tradition (with J. Daryl Charles) (2012) and The Sophists in Plato’s Dialogues (2015). He has written more than two dozen articles and book chapters in such venues as the Review of PoliticsHistory of Political ThoughtModern AgeInterpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy, and the Cambridge Dictionary of Political Thought. His current projects, Rethinking American Politics, and Liberalism & The Modern Quest for Freedom, examine the loss of healthy political association in the United States and offer strategies for reform.

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The Inequality Gap: Asking the Right Questions