Is there a Catholic Vote? An Evangelical Vote? Religion, Polls and Presidential Elections

16 December 2020
17:00:00 - 23:50:00

A discussion with Kenneth Woodward (Lumen Christi Institute), Peter Wehner (Ethics & Public Policy Center), and William McCready (University of Michigan), moderated by IHE Executive Director Joseph Capizzi (Catholic University of America).

The 2020 presidential race seemed to highlight the central role of religion in the electorate. Democrats spent heavily on campaign ads emphasizing Joe Biden’s Roman Catholicism. President Trump has spent the past four years courting Evangelicals and conservative Catholics. But is there really a religious vote? In this panel, experts examine the relationship between religion, polls, and presidential elections.

This event was cosponsored by America Media and the Institute for Human Ecology.

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Is there a Catholic Vote? An Evangelical Vote? Religion, Polls and Presidential Elections