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By Lucia A. Silecchia “Over the river and through the woods …” “From Atlantic to Pacific, gee the traffic is terrific …” Popular songs in our canon of carols and songs have travel as a key theme. The jarring reference to traffic is a realistic acknowledgement that those travels have their challenges! In the days ahead, […]

By Lucia A. Silecchia On Veterans Day a number of years ago, a cafe chain offered a free coffee drink to any veteran who visited on the eleventh day of the eleventh month. My Dad, a 1950’s Army veteran, went to claim this gracious token of appreciation. He came home, coffee in hand, but a […]

In September, the Catholic University community gathered for our annual Mass of the Holy Spirit to mark the start of the new academic year. I prayed for my students and my colleagues – and I hope that they prayed for me. This year, a rare chalice from 15th century Ireland was used in our celebration […]

By Lucia A. Silecchia Martha, Martha, Martha. I have always had a fondness in my heart for St. Martha. Alas, because she made one complaint recorded in scripture she has been forever remembered as a whiny sister. Yet, I admire her enthusiasm for all the details of hospitality and the hard work she put into […]

By Lucia A. Silecchia June 24, 2022. In the life of a nation – as in the life of each person – days come to face past failings and take steps to correct them. That always begins with an honest admission of prior error. When the Supreme Court did just this in Dobbs v. Jackson […]

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