If you are a letter writer, a highlight of Advent is the opportunity to put pen to paper and greet friends and loved ones with Christmas cards reminding them that they are close to your heart in the great celebrations to come. For me, a good cup of coffee, Christmas music in the background, and […]

Can Ukrainian military operations satisfy one of the principles of the just war tradition, namely that of “reasonable hope for success?”

“God is truth. All who seek truth seek God, whether this is clear to them or not.” This has become one of the most famous statements of the German Jewish philosopher and Catholic convert Edith Stein, who is now known as Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross. Her words point toward the unity of faith […]

By Lucia A. Silecchia I miss shopping for clothes with my mom. Some of that stems from that too-familiar ache known to all those who have loved and lost. The desire to run an ordinary errand, exchange a quick phone call or share a cup of coffee together just one more time is a deep […]

By IHE Graduate Fellow Bridget Knuffke, a doctoral candidate in the School of Philosophy Many Catholics are familiar with the story of Walter Ciszek, S.J., from his autobiography, With God in Russia. Father Ciszek, an American Jesuit priest, was assigned to missionary work in eastern Poland in 1938, which came under Soviet occupation not long […]

By Dr. Reinhard Hütter On August 31, 2023, IHE Faculty Scholar Prof. Reinhard Hütter and IHE invitee Prof. Thomas Pfau (Duke University; author most recently of Minding the Modern and Incomprehensible Certainty) brought to completion a three year long Graduate Plato Symposium, conducted via Zoom, in which the complete corpus of Plato’s works was read […]

By Lucia A. Silecchia If you become a teacher, you will receive a lot of advice along the way.  In the many years I have been blessed to make a living and a life in the classroom, I have also been blessed with much good advice.  Perhaps one of the wisest and simplest things I […]

By IHE Graduate Fellow Jason Paone The anxious mystique that surrounds ‘big words’ is usually just a function of their unfamiliarity. We tend to call a word ‘big’ not because it is long or profound but most often because it is rare. By contrast, when a term is current enough that we encounter it often, […]

For over thirty years, I have been a very frequent traveler on the train between New York City and Washington DC. In the beginning, it was an adventure. Yet, as the decades passed, it became a mundane journey during which I stopped noticing the scenery pass by and distracted myself with reading, videos and, best […]

Over the summer of 1221, Saint Dominic’s health began to decline. Although the famous preacher was only middle-aged, years of frenetic activity had taken an irrevocable toll on his body. In early August, the ever-traveling but now ailing Dominic arrived in Bologna. There, under the prayerful watch of his brothers, the holy founder entered his […]

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