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By IHE Graduate Fellow Ian Tuttle “Winter kept us warm,” wrote T.S. Eliot, “covering / Earth with forgetful snow.” Spring, then, is a time for relearning the world. Was there ever a better student than John Clare? Born in tiny Helpston, Northamptonshire, England, in 1793 to illiterate parents; barely schooled; farm laborer by the age […]

By Lucia A. Silecchia With the arrival of Easter, one of the greatest joys in the lives of parishes around the world is the opportunity to welcome new sisters and brothers in Christ through the sacred celebrations at the great Easter Vigil. To all who celebrate this profound moment this year, welcome! May the graces […]

By IHE Scholar Lucia A. Silecchia Every year, when I flip my calendar to December, thoughts of Christmas overwhelm me with anticipation of the joys to come and the great gift of Christ’s Nativity. Yet, when I open that same calendar to the month of March, my initial thought has never been, “The Solemnity of […]

By IHE Graduate Fellow Thomas Holman These days we are exposed to a lot of cross-cutting accusations of irrationality. A near-ubiquitous trope in contemporary political discussion is that those with whom we disagree are stupid or need to be reeducated. The people on the other side of the argument are just not being reasonable. But […]


NATIONAL CATHOLIC REGISTER | OPINION By: Kathy Schiffer | Featuring Andrea Picciotti-Bayer and Joseph Capizzi, Ph.D.


By IHE Graduate Fellow Morgan Whitmer As Ash Wednesday approaches, we are given an opportunity to remember death and repent from sin. When we receive the ashes, we hear the refrain, “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust,” prompting us to remember God’s response to Adam after the fall: “You are dust and to dust you […]

THE PILLAR | COMMENTARY By: Charlie Camosy – A Conversation with Paul Scherz

By Lucia A. Silecchia The groundhog spoketh. I rarely attach much weight to the opinions of rodents. Yet, when February rolls around, I do pay some amused attention to the prognostications of a certain Punxsutawney Phil — not to be confused with his less renowned colleagues, Staten Island Chuck, Essex Ed, Buckeye Chuck, and the […]

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