REALCLEAR RELIGION By: Andrea Picciotti-Bayer Results from the midterm elections have several states now providing legal safe haven for the gruesome act of abortion. The response of Catholics and other pro-life Americans must not be despair, nor should we become despondent. Instead, we can draw on our 2,000-year tradition of mobilizing as a community of […]

LAW & LIBERTY By: James M. Patterson Since Russell Kirk and Richard Weaver published their canonical texts on American conservatism, subsequent authors have felt compelled to ground their arguments in the history of ideas. These later authors have not always measured up to their forebears, as they frequently resorted to the now-exhausted narrative of decline […]

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL We are born to suffer. But we can still live well, not in spite of our suffering but in full acknowledgment of it. By: Jennifer Frey

THE WASHINGTON TIMES Democrats’ radical support for late-term, on-demand abortion By: Elizabeth Kirk Restore Roe! This is the rallying cry throughout the country as we head into the midterm elections. President Biden promised recently that if the Democrats maintain control of Congress in the mid-terms, the first thing he would do is “sign a law codifying Roe in […]

THE HILL By: Jakub Grygiel Isolationism is tempting. We may look at the world and see distant wars as local squabbles that, tragic as they may be, do not impact our life. War in Ukraine? It must be another eruption of ancient tribal hatreds and we should steer clear of it. Moreover, we may be […]

THE WASHINGTON TIMES Believers need the intellectual tools to reject both By: Andrea Picciotti-Bayer  As our society becomes ever more contemptuous of religious belief, young Catholics are under pressure not to let their faith go beyond the parish parking lot. At the same time, however, some of our political leaders constantly refer to themselves as Catholic even […]

NATIONAL REVIEW By: Jack Butler No, it’s not just a Journey song (and the only good one, in my view; I would be fine with never hearing “Don’t Stop Believin’” ever again). From the very beginning of the Christian faith, followers of Jesus have been struggling with the relationship between the two worlds to which they are […]

WSJ | OPINION The U.S. shouldn’t intervene directly, but it should help Ukraine develop a credible deterrent. By: Jakub Grygiel Vladimir Putin has again threatened to use nuclear weapons to protect Russia and its people. In his remarks Friday, he extended that nuclear deterrence over the 15% of Ukraine’s territory that Russia annexed after sham referendums […]

Real Clear Religion By: Andrea Picciotti-Bayer When my son recently began his first year in college, I kept my advice simple: make friends, have fun, and study, but ignore the propaganda. Originally founded as a religious college, the university he’s attending is now secular and progressive. You would think that parents whose children, unlike my […]

WSJ | OPINION The faithful need a framework that rejects secularism and sectarianism alike. By: Andrea Picciotti-Bayer How should American Catholics think about their faith and public life? Take abortion. Two of the nation’s most prominent Catholic politicians, President Joe Biden and Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have unequivocally abandoned the church’s teaching on the dignity of human life from […]

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