Catholic schools have long been a vital part of America’s K-12 school choice landscape, and COVID-19 has created a resurgence of parent interest. Religiously-affiliated schools of all kinds are also expected to continue to flourish following the landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue.
We invite you to join us for a discussion on Pioneer Institute’s new book, A Vision of Hope: Catholic Schooling in Massachusetts. At a time when Catholic secondary schools are closing all across the country, A Vision of Hope reviews the successes of the Massachusetts model and offers recommendations to help Catholic schools increase student enrollment. Parents of all faiths and beliefs are drawn to the unrelenting focus on achievement, classic liberal arts education, discipline, and values that are part of a Catholic education.
This webinar will feature presentations and commentary from papal biographer George Weigel; Kendra Espinoza, Lead Plaintiff of Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue; co-editor of A Vision of Hope, Cara Candal; Patrick Wolf, Distinguished Professor of Education Policy at the University of Arkansas; and and IHE Director of the Program on the Constitution and Catholic Social Doctrine, Emmett McGroarty, as moderator.